Resilient Community Assets

Preparing for a Changing Climate
This project is supporting participating councils to better prepare for some of the key challenges a changing climate represents in two areas of council reasonability:
- Supporting vulnerable people dealing with heat waves and consequent heat stress, and;
- Supporting councils to develop an appropriate management process and species mix of for urban street trees
This project was delivered by the Central Victoria Greenhouse Alliance on behalf of the following Councils:
- Central Goldfields Shire Council
- Buloke Shire Council
- Gannawarra Shire Council
- Loddon Shire Council
- Macedon Ranges Shire Council
- Mount Alexander Shire Council
The Resilience Community Assets project responds to the recommendations of this report by delivering:
- Developing a best-practice Heatwave Plan template that can be used by partner councils and others in formulating their response to heatwaves under statutory public health obligations
- Producing of “HEAT Help” packs to be provided to HACC and aged-care clients to better manage their own well-being during heat waves
- Developing an online heat wave training resource to be available to all partner councils to help staff address people in their communities who are vulnerable to heat stress
- Undertaking a region-wide assessment of existing street trees in a number of major municipalities. This analysis will recommend appropriate species, treatments, replacement and planting locations, and provide a consistent and reliable data-set to be used and compared across the six local government areas.
Heat Wave Template
The Heat Wave templates reflect the latest state government legislation and best-practice in this area. The template has been completed and have been distributed to participating Councils.
It is expected that this template will form a consistent approach to the development of local government responses to Heat Wave planning.
Download the Heatwave Management Plan template [Link]